Are you feeling lost in the crunch of the holidays yet?

Hey Reader!

It may be hard to believe, but tomorrow is the second Sunday of Advent!

This season always whirls past me at a pace faster than I'm capable of keeping up with. Before I know it, it will be January and it'll all be over, and I don't want to regret missing moments to slow down and be intentional during this time.

And believe me, I get it. We just got back from a Thanksgiving trip (luggage is all over my front room still), Christmas decorations are still in the attic, my son has a birthday next weekend, and then there's all the gift-buying and year-end parties to attend, before the main event.

It can be hard to remember what that main event really is.

We are celebrating the fact that God became man and lived among us. He showed us love, he ushered in the beginning of his kingdom, and he died so that we could be made right with God.

It truly is a miracle, and it can pass in the blink of an eye as we throw wrapping paper under the tree on Christmas morning, forgetting that Jesus really is our focus.

And that's why I love to focus on Advent, because it forces us to slow down, to not get too caught up in the commercialism of a "Santa Claus Christmas," and to share scripture with our children.

Related to that, I was at a moms' party last night and a fellow believer was sharing this powerful story with another mom, and I just loved hearing her say how impactful this practice has been for her family.

My friend was raving about using a candle at dinner time to get her kids (age 7 and 10) to focus and stay at the table (even just once a week).

The lit candle showed the kids that it was a special family time (dinner, in their case). They had everything they needed at the table.

It allowed them to talk to each other as a family. And everyone knew there was a beginning and an end to the time together (shown by the lighting and blowing out of the candle).

She said it was magical for their family.

I smiled, because I too have seen the power of using a candle with my own family. I started this when my kids were 2, 4, 7, but any age is great to start.

In fact, this practice is a powerful activity I teach you how to use with your own kids in both the Easy Advent Bible Time and in our Jumpstart Family Faith Habits starter guide.

Take a look today at the Easy Advent Bible Time and take the guess work out of how to create those special memories. And don't worry, you're not behind, just start with today's reading.

You don't have to do every day or else you're a failure, that's no way to live. Just bless your family on the days that you're able to do it together. There's no "right" (or "wrong"!) way to do this.

Be blessed!


P.S. Learn how to get your kids to focus with a candle and use the opportunity to learn more about Jesus' first and second comings together as a family with our Easy Advent Bible Time | Family Advent Devotional. You'll be so thankful you got it and your kids will love doing it and will ask to do it again each year!

P.P.S. Check out my Advent for Kids Unwrapped: Clearing Up 3 Common Misbeliefs about Advent blog post if you haven't already. I share with you easy and quick (including the candle) ideas to share how Jesus is "the reason for the season" with your kids.

Verse of the Week

"“Teacher,” they asked, “when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are about to take place?”" - Luke 21:7 (NIV)

Today's Advent reading comes from Luke 21:5-19. It's not your typical "coming of the baby Jesus passage" but is deeper and points to Jesus' second coming. Advent is about the coming of Jesus, both as God made man, and also as redeemer of the world, ushering in God's heavenly kingdom once and for all on his return.

Some are tempted to read the news and see the end times coming in every article. And yes, that's true, because in today's passage, Jesus says:

"9 When you hear of wars and uprisings, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away.”
10 Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven" (Luke 21:9-11).

The reality is that we live in these end times every day, and I don't mean rapture. The historical church has taught that we live in these end times now and will until Christ returns.

A good question to ask yourself is "Am I frightened by the news I hear each day? Does it cause me stress or to feel anxious?"

How can you model God's peace for your family when the world feels like chaos all around us? Ponder this and say a prayer right now for Jesus to fill you with his peace and teach you more and more to rely on him each day. And share with your child how Jesus is teaching you to find peace.

Believe me, your kids are probably feeling anxiousness too from all that goes on in the world, and they need to know how to find God's peace when life feels overwhelming.

If you don't already know how to do that. Start with memorizing one short verse of God's love or comfort and when you feel worry, repeat that verse over and over again in your head until the anxious thoughts leave.

Remember that God's spirit is with you always and will bring to mind all that he has taught you (John 14:26).

Related Products

2024 Easy Advent Bible Time | Advent Bible Readings 2024 | Advent Family Devotional Jumpstart Family Faith Habits Starter Guide | Daily Family Devotions
God's Word for the Hard Times | Encouraging Comforting Bible Verses Hard Times Advent for Kids

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