From glassy eyes to wide-eyed wonder

Hey Reader!

I could tell they didn't get it, but then their eyes lit up with wonder!

One morning this week, we were doing our usual morning routine before school where my husband reads a Bible verse and says two prayers while the kids are getting ready and before we head out the door.

Not every day goes well, some days we just do it and move on; some days we forget; some days we're rewarded and see some light bulbs go off in our kids heads (as shown through their wide open eyes!), like on this day.

My husband read this simple verse before he was about to move on:

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” - ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The verse is pretty simple and we know our kids have been exposed to the idea of reaping and sowing.

But I could see that their eyes were glassy and they didn't get it.

So I asked, do you know what "sowing" is? or "reaping?" No responses.

So I said, "you know how when you take one seed and you plant it in the ground," (showing with my hands how you plant a seed)? Yes, they said. "That's sowing.

"And then it takes time to grow, you have to water it, and eventually a fruit or vegetable or flower will grow?" (Also showing a plant growing up with my hands.) Yes. (I know they've worked on gardening at school.)

"Well, that's what this verse means. If you only plant one seed, you only get the fruit off of one plant. If you plant a whole bunch of seeds, you get a whole bunch of plants, each with a whole bunch of fruit."

"Oh!" they said with wide open eyes. They got it. "When we plant more, we have more, we can share and enjoy more."

It was pretty simple. And ended in everyone feeling good about our effort that day to share a godly moment together.

And I'll reiterate that most days we just do it and move on and there are no light bulbs. But we keep after it for days like today, because they will come with your consistency.

So how do you get from, "I'd like to be doing something with my kids," to having moments like these?

It doesn't start with one grand moment. But with lots of little action steps and habits that you can build and stack together to get where you want to go.

We got there by doing many steps (putting together a whole bunch of habits), and here are some you can start at home with your family too:

  • We learned how to get our kids to listen and how to keep them engaged
  • We learned how to be consistent in our actions to share with our kids
  • We learned to read a Bible verse (just one) with our kids as we're heading out the door.
  • We learned to pray simple, repetitive prayers (great for kids to learn) with our kids
  • We learned to read the situation and see if we need to stop, go deeper, explain, or ask if they understand

Once I had read the situation, and could tell they were listening but not getting it, I asked them if they knew what the words meant. Their silence told me they didn't. Since they were still engaged, I went further to explain it. I didn't try to tell every bit of what the verse meant, I just defined the words in kids' terms so they could know what we were talking about.

And because we'd built these habits, we have the space to go deeper when the timing is right and the moment calls for it.

So if you're looking for how to get started, start with understanding what makes your kids listen and engage with our free Family Prayer Survival Checklist, which you probably got when you joined our community.

You can also grab our new, free 6 Faith Habits to Consistency checklist, which tells you some good faith habits to start building with your family.

If you want to learn how to bring it all together and learn how to be consistent with any of these habits, grab our KEEPING YOUR KIDS ON GOD'S SIDE Toolkit. I also go more into the specifics of how to do each habit that works best with young kids in our Jumpstart Family Faith Habits starter guide.

Either way, commit to doing 2 minutes of some faith action today. Don't aim for perfect, just make a little progress each day. You've got this and your kids need you. Know someone else who needs to hear this, invite them to join our community by sharing one of our free guides (linked above) with them or forward this email to them.



Verse of the Week

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” - ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Share this verse and explain it to your kids like I did in the story above.

Ponder what areas of your life you're sowing generously in and which areas you're sowing sparingly. Pray for guidance and wisdom in these areas.

Related Products

Here are the tools you can use to build lasting faith habits with your family too:

Family Prayer Survival Checklist 6 Faith Habits to Consistency
Keeping Your Kids on God's Side Jumpstart Family Faith Habits

Things I'm Loving

  • Discount savings websites I use and love (plus how much I earned from each this past year): Rakuten $126.08 and Ibotta $32.69 (I use this for my groceries, but forgot to use it regularly this year, oops! Last year I got about $70 back.) The extra money helps me save on Christmas purchases and I cash out in December to have extra money for gifts. Get started now and thank yourself in February).

  • Make dinner easier on yourself. These healthy, 2-minute meals are delivered straight to your door each week and are so tasty. My husband and I have been grabbing them for lunch every day and now my kids have their own favorites too! Get up to $150 worth for free; you can cancel anytime.

  • Earn gift cards for some extra cash spending. (I'm less than 3,000 points away from a $50 Amazon gift card! You can do it too!) It's as easy as scanning a receipt from anywhere you shop, and racking up points until you have enough for a gift card to stores like: Amazon, Starbucks, Ulta, etc. Sign up w/ code 94N419, scan your first receipt, & earn 1,000 pts.

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Keeley Chorn | Life & Faith Collide

I'm Keeley (M.Div.) and I help moms build consistent habits to raise their kids to know Jesus' amazing love for them so their faith will sustain them through life.

Read more from Keeley Chorn | Life & Faith Collide
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