Hey Reader! Advent is steeped in tradition, but could your beliefs about it be based on misconceptions? Let's unravel three common myths that might just change the way you experience this special season. Here's to forming a deeper connection with your child during Advent, Keeley P.S. Don't forget that the Easy Advent Bible Time | Family Advent Devotional is all updated for 2024 and on sale at $10 off for a limited time. Grab yours before the price goes up to be ready to grow spiritually with your kids in a short, Bible time that focuses on Advent and only lasts for a season! P.P.S. I seriously had no idea about myth #1 until I lived in Philadelphia and went to a church that taught people what the different church seasons were! P.P.P.S. Advent starts next Sunday, Dec. 1. Verse of the Week
"Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!" - 1 Chronicles 16:8 (NIV) As we head into Thanksgiving week, let's not just think about what we're thankful for, but also whether or not we are giving glory to God for the things we are thankful for. Are we letting others know about God's deeds in our lives? I admit that one has been a challenge for me in this season of motherhood. I don't know that I do a great job of 1) letting my kids know specifically about the things God is always doing in our lives, and 2) sharing with friends that these good gifts in my life are from God alone. Related Products Things I'm Loving
Newsletters I'm Recommending Refer My Newsletter to Other MomsAnd here's how you can share my newsletter with your mom friends and family who are looking to raise their children to know Jesus' amazing love for them! Share my newsletter with moms who could use the encouragement! |
I'm Keeley (M.Div.) and I help moms build consistent habits to raise their kids to know Jesus' amazing love for them so their faith will sustain them through life.
Hey Reader! As moms, we can struggle with knowing what to share with our kids about Jesus and the Bible. I had a family member who, when trying to figure out how to teach her toddler, thought that sending her child to a Bible program, where they learned songs like, "The Bible is absolutely true," was "brainwashing" her child. And this family member was a strong believer. She just didn't quite know what or how or when to teach her child about Jesus. It's a question we all wrestle with, but in...
Hey Reader! Raising faithful kids is something we call all say we yearn for. But the practical steps to make it happen and overcome our own doubt often get in the way and are pushed out by our "busyness." I want to point you upward to the tagline of our newsletter: "Never Stop. Always Growing." And upward to God. The Christian life for all of us, is a life of growth and progression, growing in being more like Christ. And how do we grow? By not giving up. By not stopping. By continuing to grow...
Hey Reader! When I started the "Consistent Moms. Faithful Kids." newsletter over a year ago, I did so because I wanted you to know that I see you and I understand you. I know that marriage and having kids has been a lot harder than you expected. You no longer have the time for the things you once loved to do for fun, because raising your kids is your primary focus. You've struggled with being in charge of your family. You've felt like you're the only one doing anything, and you have to be the...