I know what it's like

Hey Reader!

When I started the "Consistent Moms. Faithful Kids." newsletter over a year ago, I did so because I wanted you to know that I see you and I understand you.

I know that marriage and having kids has been a lot harder than you expected.

You no longer have the time for the things you once loved to do for fun, because raising your kids is your primary focus.

You've struggled with being in charge of your family. You've felt like you're the only one doing anything, and you have to be the main support for your family in many ways.

I also know that you're committed to doing whatever it takes to hold your family together by learning and growing and making faith a priority in your life.

I know you want to prepare your kids to face hard times, which you know will come.

And that's why I'm so glad that you're here, because I've been there too. I am there.

The ultimate goal of this newsletter and my Life & Faith Collide website is to help you raise kids who love Jesus and know His amazing love for them, so their faith will sustain them through life, and they won't turn from it.

Just as I heard my childhood song, "Lord, you are more precious than diamonds," when I was in my late 20s and really struggling to understand what God was doing in my life, when I felt hopeless and alone and wasn't sure what he was doing. That song, and other Holy Spirit reminders, sprung up in my mind when I needed them most.

They were there because they had been planted there 25 years earlier as my parents raised me up to know Jesus. I still had doubts, I still tried to turn away, but the work that was done in my life at a young age to know Jesus, stayed with me and whispered to me when I was an adult and needed it most.

You have the opportunity now to be that force that helps plant those Holy Spirit reminders for your kids in years and years to come.

This life is a great journey. Let's walk it together.

Blessings to you and your children,


P.S. To learn more about what to do with your pain and heartache, read this short meditation I wrote a while back.

Verse of the Week

“For I am the Lord your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
I give Egypt for your ransom,
Cush and Seba in your stead.
4 Since you are precious and honored in my sight,
and because I love you,
I will give people in exchange for you,
nations in exchange for your life.” - Isaiah 43:3-4 NIV‬‬

These verses have ministered to me over and over again in my life. It's the one place in the Bible where God flat out says, "I love you."

I came to it after wondering where exactly in the Bible God says he loves us when I was in seminary and the song "Jesus loves me...for the Bible tells me so" played over and over again in my head at night when I couldn't sleep from anxiety and worry.

Yes, Jesus does love you. Yes he loves your children. Come to this passage and be reminded. Teach your children so they know over and over again beyond the shadow of a doubt how their good and kind and loving and merciful savior loves them.

For more on these verses, especially if you've wondered "Am I worthy?, "Does God even care about me?," or if you're going through a hard time, read or listen to my short meditation on Isaiah 43.

Related Products

Isaiah 43: Short Devotion | Witnessing to God | Jesus Loves You God's Word for the Hard Moments | Bible Verses About Hard Times

Things I'm Loving

  • Discount savings (cashback!) websites I use and love : Rakuten $126.08 and Ibotta $32.69 (2024) The extra money helps me save on Christmas purchases and I cash out in December to have extra money for gifts. Get started now and thank yourself later.

  • Make dinner easier on yourself. These healthy, 2-minute meals are healthy, fresh, delicious, and delivered straight to your door each week! Our whole family loves them and has their favorites! They're great for when we don't have time to make dinner. Get up to $150 worth for free; you can cancel anytime.

  • Earn gift cards for some extra cash spending. (I JUST earned a $50 Amazon gift card! You can do it too!) It's as easy as scanning a receipt from anywhere you shop, and racking up points until you have enough for a gift card to stores like: Amazon, Starbucks, Ulta, etc. Sign up w/ code 94N419, scan your first receipt, & earn 1,000 pts.

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Refer My Newsletter to Other Moms

And here's how you can share my newsletter with your mom friends and family who are looking to raise their children to know Jesus' amazing love for them! Share my newsletter with moms who could use the encouragement!

Keeley Chorn | Life & Faith Collide

I'm Keeley (M.Div.) and I help moms build consistent habits to raise their kids to know Jesus' amazing love for them so their faith will sustain them through life.

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