Hey Reader! I have struggled for years with staying consistent with things. Just ask my husband. ;) There was my interest in:
I like to think I've learned some valuable lessons from each of those endeavors about who I am and what I like. Some have even given me skills that have served me well in my next endeavor. So when 2020 hit and I wanted to revive my blog, I knew I needed some more skills and the ability to stick with it. So I dove in by learning some personal development, reading books, taking courses and more. And a surprising thing happened. I started to get more of my life together... Before, I didn't know how to cope with a new baby, with never having cooked meals before, with never having been responsible for keeping my house picked up and clean, and many other tasks that I now wish I had learned in "home ec" (I was too cool to take that class way back in high school...) Before I could get started on what I really wanted to do though (build a business to help moms like you raise your kids to know Jesus' amazing love for them and use my seminary training and desire to teach), I had to learn how to do some of the things I didn't want to do that were keeping me from doing what I wanted to do. For example, with that Young Living business, I really wanted to help show moms with kids that there were natural options for common aches and pains with kids so they didn't have to use pharmaceuticals on their babies. But I couldn't get my kids to mind me or cooperate or nap, so I didn't get very far in business. And we were drowning in laundry, toys, and chaos. We never knew what we would be eating for dinner that night...I felt utterly lost and pretty clueless. It felt like if I learned how to "keep house," then I wouldn't have time to work on my business. But I could never work on my business because I spent so much time avoiding "keeping house." I felt pretty useless and hated that it was a vicious loop that kept me from moving forward in my life. And we kept adding kids and the cycle and chaos continued. Finally, I decided I needed help (well, really I tried and failed at a few things before I got to my "I need help moment"). I bought a course from a successful blogger who had an amazing "home success" course on how to do the chores that matter. I figured if she was a successful blogger (what I wanted to be) and she taught how to manage home chaos, she was just the person for me. So I followed her plan and did turn around how I care for our home, meal plan, and more. But most importantly, it opened the door for me to have more time to work on my business because I wasn't avoiding the housework. I knew what needed to get done and what didn't, so I could tackle it and move on with my day. As a result, I made real progress in my business. But a surprising result was that I learned to build new habits and I learned how to make them stick. I learned how to get past the exciting hump and how to keep going when it got hard. I learned how to ask what was holding me back and what was keeping me stuck...in ALL areas of my life. And I learned how to seek out help when I needed it. And it allowed me to make progress in an area I hadn't been spending much time on, since we felt like we'd been drowning...our family's spiritual life. Because frankly, I had felt like we were failing. I felt like we were just taking our kids to church, the same as any other family. And here we were, both parents trained with Masters of Divinity, but with no clue how to support our faith at home, the most important place they would learn how to live out daily faith. And so I took all that I had learned for my business, but had also been practicing with our own family's spiritual life, and I made a roadmap for moms like you on how to build habits for your life that would benefit your family's spiritual life too. And that's how the Keeping Your Kids on God's Side Toolkit was born. It's basically the steps I took to build consistency into our own family's routine and how I applied it to our spiritual life. But what's great about it, is that it's not about me and my life, but it's a step-by-step guide for you to apply it to your life and to make real progress for your own family's spiritual life. Because I want overwhelmed moms to succeed in raising their kids to know Jesus. I want you to feel confident knowing that you worked hard at living out your faith and sharing it with your kids because I know you want for them to grow up and know Jesus' amazing love for them. And I want that for you and your kids. I want to see more and more kids stick with their faith into adulthood rather than turning their back on it. I want to see the next generation have a deep and fervent faith. I want them to know God's unsurpassing love. And to get there, we've got to fight our own apathy that keeps us stuck in the same old cycles of chaos and drowning and not knowing how to get out of it. I'd love for you to take a look and see if the Keeping Your Kids on God's Side Toolkit is right for your family or not. Just look and see. Maybe it's a fit, maybe it's not. Feel free to hit reply and ask me any questions you may have! Here's to helping our kids build a faith that will last! Keeley P.S. How would you feel if you had a step-by-step plan, map, tracker, and tools for how to share your faith with your kids consistently? If it sounds appealing, check out our Keeping Your Kids on God's Side Toolkit to see if it's the right fit for your family or not. Verse of the Week
“Write these commandments that I’ve given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night.” - Deuteronomy 6:6-9 MSG
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Newsletters I'm Recommending Refer My Newsletter to Other MomsAnd here's how you can share my newsletter with your mom friends and family who are looking to raise their children to know Jesus' amazing love for them! Share my newsletter with moms who could use the encouragement! |
I'm Keeley (M.Div.) and I help moms build consistent habits to raise their kids to know Jesus' amazing love for them so their faith will sustain them through life.
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