
Keeley Chorn | Life & Faith Collide

I'm Keeley (M.Div.) and I help moms build consistent habits to raise their kids to know Jesus' amazing love for them so their faith will sustain them through life.

Is the Bible Reliable?
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How would you say it?

Hey Reader! As moms, we can struggle with knowing what to share with our kids about Jesus and the Bible. I had a family member who, when trying to figure out how to teach her toddler, thought that sending her child to a Bible program, where they learned songs like, "The Bible is absolutely true," was "brainwashing" her child. And this family member was a strong believer. She just didn't quite know what or how or when to teach her child about Jesus. It's a question we all wrestle with, but in...

Hey Reader! Raising faithful kids is something we call all say we yearn for. But the practical steps to make it happen and overcome our own doubt often get in the way and are pushed out by our "busyness." I want to point you upward to the tagline of our newsletter: "Never Stop. Always Growing." And upward to God. The Christian life for all of us, is a life of growth and progression, growing in being more like Christ. And how do we grow? By not giving up. By not stopping. By continuing to grow...

Isaiah 43: Short Devotion | Witnessing to God | Jesus Loves You

Hey Reader! When I started the "Consistent Moms. Faithful Kids." newsletter over a year ago, I did so because I wanted you to know that I see you and I understand you. I know that marriage and having kids has been a lot harder than you expected. You no longer have the time for the things you once loved to do for fun, because raising your kids is your primary focus. You've struggled with being in charge of your family. You've felt like you're the only one doing anything, and you have to be the...

About Keeley

Hey Reader! I have struggled for years with staying consistent with things. Just ask my husband. ;) There was my interest in: getting "buff" following Jillian Michaels workout plans. Then my dedication to healthy eating with the My Fit Foods ready-to-eat meals; my working out with a trainer (all before kids, lol) to build muscle but not get hurt like with the Jillian plan; my passion for healthy products through a Young Living business; my desire to write and teach in my blog; and my...

Life & Faith Collide

Hey Reader! I could tell they didn't get it, but then their eyes lit up with wonder! One morning this week, we were doing our usual morning routine before school where my husband reads a Bible verse and says two prayers while the kids are getting ready and before we head out the door. Not every day goes well, some days we just do it and move on; some days we forget; some days we're rewarded and see some light bulbs go off in our kids heads (as shown through their wide open eyes!), like on...

Advent for Kids

Hey Reader! It may be hard to believe, but tomorrow is the second Sunday of Advent! This season always whirls past me at a pace faster than I'm capable of keeping up with. Before I know it, it will be January and it'll all be over, and I don't want to regret missing moments to slow down and be intentional during this time. And believe me, I get it. We just got back from a Thanksgiving trip (luggage is all over my front room still), Christmas decorations are still in the attic, my son has a...

2024 Easy Advent Bible Time | Advent Bible Readings 2024 | Advent Family Devotional

Hey Reader! One Christmas when my husband was working 12 hour days, I wanted some way to make Christmas feel special even though we didn’t have a lot of money and I couldn’t buy a lot of gifts. Between every tree lighting I could find and the Advent project our church did, I felt like I was able to piece together something that became magical for our kids. While we had an Advent wreath and a reading list from our church, what I found really made it special was creating a time where we could...

Hey Reader! As we begin the holiday season in earnest and as we gather to give thanks this year, let us spend some time with our kids asking them what they are thankful to God for over the past year. Whether it's been another hard year or one of more blessings, here are a few verses you can read to your kids and reflect on briefly. "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 "Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts...

Hey Reader! Advent is steeped in tradition, but could your beliefs about it be based on misconceptions? Let's unravel three common myths that might just change the way you experience this special season. Read our Advent for Kids Unwrapped: Clearing Up 3 Common Misbeliefs about Advent blog post to debunk these myths and discover how you can start a new family tradition that will make your Christmas time special and meaningful this year. Here's to forming a deeper connection with your child...

2024 Easy Advent Bible Time | Advent Bible Readings 2024 | Advent Family Devotional

Hey Reader! I don't know about you, but as we get to this time of year, even though we're in the middle of fall and things are a lot busier, thoughts of the holidays start creeping into my mind. In fact, my oldest son has already decorated his room for Christmas!! (He takes after my mom...definitely not me!) And as we enter this season, I start to worry about the upcoming events, holidays, meals, travel, parties, and never-ending todo lists. I want to make sure I'm not scrambling the last...